
Sharing Common Debug Code for motherboard .

Sharing Common Debug Code for motherboard .  
1, FF、00、01、02  stop , means CPU doesn't work , Bad motherboard or CPU ; 2, C1 ( or C beginning ), D3 ( or D beginning) , means CPU works , looking for memory ,  bad memory or bad contact ; 3 , C0, D1 means CPU has issued a directive addressing and Select BIOS , but BIOS does not respond , Bad Bios , bad south bridge or IO ; 4, C1--C5 (D3--D5) Cycle , means bad BIOS or IO chip ; 5, OB, 26, 31 usually lcd can work , if it does not work , Graphics card or integrated graphics is bad ; 6, 0B ,26, 31, 42 ,48 , 4E, 58, 0D, 6F, 7F, 856 , if lcd does not light , Mostly bad graphics card ; 7, 75  Scanning hardware configuration, check hard drive , CD-ROM  and related interface devices and whether faulty wiring ; 8, C1 C0   memory fault usually ; 9, EF   Bios fault , Reset bios usually .  9 , if power on , the debug card display Voltage only , but does not display code , please check CPU usually . Your loyal friend - Pinkney ,http://www.htic-tool.com 

from  https://plus.google.com/b/107329939332162905445/+Htictoolchipset/posts

