
ASUS K43LY X84H laptop does not work, standby current 0.03A share

An asus x84h laptop, motherboard number K43LY, standby current 0.03A, do not output 3V and 5V, the notebook does not work.
Check power chip RT8206B, Linear 5V is normal to output. Check the 14-pin and 27-pin, have not voltage on them, the two signals are controlled to open by EC, so check the standby power supply for EC, 3.3V, it is normal. In theory the EC should send 3.3V switch signal, but it does not send the signal, so welding to open the controlling pin of EC, then test and there is 3.3V, so prove the EC chip works, it is no problem. Then replace a new power ic RT8206B, but it is same fault, yet. .... read more

