
What is IGBT ?

IGBT's full name is Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor , If CPU is the central nervous system in the field of electronic information industry ,So IGBT is the "heart" and "brain " of power electronics industry .IGBT has been widely used in household appliances , transportation , power engineering , renewable energy and smart grid .In industrial applications, such as traffic control, power conversion , industrial motors, uninterruptible power supplies ,
wind power and solar energy equipment , as well as the drive for automatic control. In consumer electronics , IGBT used in household appliances , cameras and mobile phones .8 inch IGBT chip has been produced in China .  2pcs IKW25N120T2 K25T1202 25A/1200V IGBT  http://www.htic-tool.com/2pcs-ikw25n120t2-k25t1202-25a1200v-igbt_p893.html

