
Sharing: the eighth part of the computer motherboard failure codes


40, Start to prepare the virtual test, will check from video memory. Adjust cpu speed, an exact match with the peripheral clock.

41, Interruption was open, initializes data to 0:0 detecting Memory transform, will prepare the descriptor table, select system plug board failure.

42, Display window to enter SETUP, ....read more


Sharing: the seventh part of the computer motherboard failure codes

33, Video display check is complete, will begin to test the type of display by regulating switch and card, color monitor ( 80 rows ) is ok.
 34, Checked display adapter, then set the display mode, timer tick interrupt test in progress or failure.
 35, Complete the setting display, will check the BIOS ROM data area, .... read more


Sharing: the sixth part of the computer motherboard failure codes

29, Has set a single color, will be setting color way, CMOS configuration validity checks underway.
2A, Keyboard controller initialization, color mode has been set, will test trigger parity, clear 64K base memory.   .... read more


Sharing: the fifth part of the computer motherboard failure codes

1F, 64K memory test to a maximum of 640K, the first 64DK RAM, the 15th bit fault.
20, Test the fixed interrupt bit of 8259, start basic 64K memory test, .... read more


Sharing: the fourth part of the computer motherboard failure codes

16, Build the interrupt vector table of 8259, 2-channel timer test ends, 8254 1 channel timer will complete testing, the first 64DK RAM, the sixth bit fault.
17, Aligning the video input / output operation, if equipped with video BIOS, .... read more